Great tips from one of my clients who's taking the steps to GET SEXY again ...

Getting My Sexy Back
Beauty and sexiness radiate from the inside. This may not particularly be the feeling once a person chooses to walk out on you, but if you choose to see it for yourself, then it will surely come back with a bang. I am a big believer in choosing me. As such I am working on getting my sexy back and I believe these tips can work for anyone out there feeling a little off about themselves. Guess what? You do not have to be a size zero for anyone to accept you, as long as you feel good, all you have to do is match what’s on the inside to the outside.
Out With The Old, In With The New
In the theme of getting my sexy back, I am choosing to work on revamping my wardrobe options to make me feel even better. This means getting rid of any old frumpy looks and working on getting me some new fun-looking ones. It’s about time my wardrobe reflected how good I am feeling about myself.
Slipping Into Something Sexier
I am opting to switch out my dull looking sweatpants for something that makes me feel sexier. What options are available you ask? Something silky that feels really good against my skin and makes me feel incredible. New underwear is always a great idea. Lacy intimates always add a spring to my step and put a smile on my face.
A Sexy Photoshoot
A Get Sexy boudoir photo shoot with Marilyn Scavo can have a life-changing effect on anyone. It feels liberating and as such, this is one way I am choosing to boost my confidence. Some stylish, sexy pictures are ideal to make me feel amazing about myself and leave anyone breathless. I love myself and I am not afraid to show it. It’s time I celebrated my uniqueness by getting all dolled up, slipping into something sexy and taking a bunch of sensual shots.
It’s always good to take a break from all the screens and madness going on around me. A great way to center me is through meditation. By setting aside time every day to meditate, I will be able to connect my body and mind, destress and eliminate the anxiety in me. With a clear mind, I can now get back on track to be awesome and full of energy.
Pamper Me
Shopping trips are always fun, but so is a day at the spa. This is what I call “me day”, away from all the hustle and bustle in the world. A day of intense therapy is definitely good for my soul. I could also choose to get my nails done, hair done or even a good waxing trip to get me feeling brand new.
It’s Time!
Confidence breeds sensuality and this is the path I am taking. With a new wardrobe, better dietary habits, some exercise and a plan to de-stress daily, I now have a new lease on life. I am definitely ready to bring sexy back.